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Cosmetic Dental Services in Brandon

At Brandon Dental Centre in Brandon, our dentists provide cosmetic dental services designed to improve the overall appearance of your teeth and gums.

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Cosmetic Dental Services, Brandon Dentist

What is Cosmetic Dental Care?

The first priority of cosmetic dental treatments is to make aesthetic changes to the teeth and gums. 

If your teeth are discoloured, worn, broken, misaligned or have gaps between them, cosmetic dental procedures can help improve their colour and symmetry.

For many patients these treatments can make a significant difference when it comes to their confidence in their smiles.

Teeth Whitening in Brandon

Having professional teeth whitening completed at your dentist's office is a safe and effective method of whitening teeth. Teeth whitening uses bleaching agents that are peroxide-based and designed to make the colour of your teeth lighter. With a teeth whitening treatment, you can enjoy a lighter, brighter smile for years to come.

Veneers in Brandon

Veneers are razor-thin pieces of porcelain that are applied to the front of your natural teeth to change their colour, shape, size, or length. Veneers are used on teeth with uneven surfaces, or teeth that are chipped, discoloured, oddly shaped, unevenly spaced or crooked. They are an easy way to address a variety of physical and aesthetic problems.

Full-Mouth Restoration in Brandon

Our dentists can develop a comprehensive customized treatment plan that includes a variety of dental procedures available at Brandon Dental Centre. This plan allows us to complete all the dental procedures you need in fewer appointments and with more efficient results.

Providing Oral Health Care in Brandon

Our dental team at Brandon Dental Centre is committed to providing a range of dental services tailored to the needs of our patients. 

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(204) 727-5417